Timothy M Dolan Jr's Resume page

Timothy M. Dolan Jr.

324 57th St.
Newport News, Va, 23607
(757) 247-0016
Web: http://www.longwatcher.net

Currently NOT looking for a day job, my small retirement business keeps me busy enough, but would not mind a short duration;  local gig or consulting offer. This is just a place holder in case and for background information.

2023 update:
Leather Worker, Silicone Molder, Photographer, Small Business Owner
- I have been using compression heat press in silicone molding for my home-business, It is manual NOT injection molding. Limited experience with different materials
- I have a good collection of tools for basic leather working and know how to use them
- As of Aug 2022, shooting with a Canon R5c, replacing my older 1DsMk3 camera. I have taught basic courses in photography a few times over the years and am preparing a course in studio lighting.
-- I am mostly a protrait photographer

Through 2015, Geospatial and Reconnaissance Systems Analyst:

Employment History:

    I would prefer to remain in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.

Changes last made on: Wed 6 Jul 2022, 2240 EST